Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thrifted Tuesday.

A day late, but I'm sure you will forgive me.
I popped in to the op shops, as I often do, on the way to get Aesop on Monday. In the first shop I found the African-style printed skirt and the bird glasses. I was well impressed and would have gone home a happy lady, but then.. the Sallies provided some pure second hand GOLD for me.
I have been dreaming of pinafore type dresses lately, thinking of ways I could make some uniform-esque frocks for the Winter, that I can chuck on over my tights and top to leave the house. Check out the colour! (Ignore the lack of ironing!) Check out the pockets! Check out the fact that it fits me peeeeerfectly. Oooh yeah. And if that wasn't enough- I also scored the cute little cardi and the gem of a trivet.
Sometimes the thirft gods are so good to me. I really must get round to cleaning out the shed so I can keep the good karma coming.


  1. OMG I want those bird glasses. Good score.

  2. Love the glasses. Will be perfect for a sly Chivas Regal tomorrow night :P

    Great skirt and interested to see the dress 'in context' cause you know how much I suck at imagining things.

  3. wow those glasses are such a score!

  4. Hey, I got a set of those glasses in a charity shop here in the UK!
