Sunday, September 23, 2012

The weekend that was.

An engagement party. Some finished sewing. Delicious snacks (some baked by me and some from the freezer!). Dress ups. Cuddles. Family.

Also, not pictured, a taste of roller derby... I get what all the hype is about. Rollerskating is a blast!
Alas, my body is just too had it from all this baby having and carrying, I think. Might leave it to the young 'uns (and young-bodied older lasses..)


  1. Baby Santa is the best! It all looks pretty idyllic really.

  2. that little santa is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!

  3. I want a sausage roll! And one of those raspberry things. Nom.

  4. looks lovely :) why is Otto dressed as Santa?

  5. A pretty good weekend now that I look back on it. Otto looks like a happy troll. Cutest. Great photo of your Mum too.

    Love you bro.

  6. lovely photos!!! And my favourite bit is Mollie's AIO. I so nearly bought that for G, but I think it suits Mol better :-)
