Nearly two years ago, we started going to Playcentre.
It took a bit of convincing to get me there but, once we had had a few visits, it was clear that Otto is very definitely a Playcentre child. He thrives on the freedom of play and huge range of play areas, the social interactions and relationships and the general philosophy. He adores his time there, and the people we attend with. He was easily won over.
I, on the other hand, have always maintained that although I might attend
Playcentre but I am NOT a 'Playcentre Mum'. I've never really felt like it
was something I wanted to get too involved in. I have resisted the processes -
delayed getting a 'role', put off creating a profile book and dodged any
sort of education for as long as I could. I have attended the bare minimum of meetings, stayed
out of most decision making processes and not really contributed in a
big way to the session planning and activities. I'vebeen a total slacker, basically.
When I, lately, stopped feeling like our sessions were filling my social
quota for the week (due to people leaving/relationships changing etc), I
was even (selfishly) considering leaving altogether and putting Otto into homecare fulltime instead.
(Cause I mean, really, if I couldn't sit around the kai table and catch up on the gossip/bitch about not getting enough sleep, surely it wasn't worth going?)
These past few weeks though... I have felt an urge to dive, head first, into it all.
I think, maybe, the 'Playcentre Way' is slowly inching its way into my
brain, turning me into far more of a traditional Playcentre Mum than I
ever thought I would be.
I completed my course 1 (finally!) recently, and I have been relishing
writing learning stories the past month. I am aiming to write at
least two a week this term, and am well surpassing my goal! (Loving
this, actually! I take back anything mocking I ever said about scrapbookers. Hah!)
And I've filled out my enrolment forms for course 2, with plans to start next term.
I'm not sure what has caused this shift.
I think, perhaps, it has a lot
to do with accepting that I will be there for another 5 years. Accepting
that this is not a 'in the meantime' thing to do before the kids head
off to kindy/preschool. I think I've realised that this IS their
pre-school education, and I want it to be the absolute best it can be.
want them, and me, to get as much out of it as possible. And that
involves me being as educated and 'into it' as possible. It involves me
taking a lot more ownership and responsibility, and sinking in a lot
more energy and emotion. It pretty much means I need to get off my butt, and really start pulling my weight and doing stuff.
It is both exciting and rather bloomin' daunting, but I can't wait to see what difference this shift makes to our Playcentre
And I can't wait to see how much it, in turn, changes and
strengthens my relationships with my kids. That, afterall, is the main
reason and driving force behind it all.
Is your family a Playcentre family?