Thursday, January 7, 2010

Braxton Hicks.

My sweet, and very talented, husband has made his resolution this year too.
To finish more than he starts.
And he's starting off how he intends to carry on! He has just finished a zine he has been working on (under one of his pseudonyms 'Farout'), called 'Braxton Hicks'. The plan is that every month this year one of our wee 'circle' will create an 6-page zine, in very limited quantities, to be given away at our two favourite cafes in town, and Abraham is kicking it off.
His zine, in his own words is 'Six hand drawn pages covering a wide range of topics from the work of Dieter Rams and iconic appliances to how awesome Mitch Hedberg was and the buoyancy of citrus.'
As you may have guessed, I'll be doing one too. I've decided to do next months issue and will begin working on it this week. I'm hoping to have it as a Valentines day publication called 'For the love of Toast'. Will keep you posted on how it's coming along but Abraham's is definitely a hard act to follow!

1 comment:

  1. Far thanks for giving me some shine.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up. I'm preparing myself to get outdone in a big way :)

    Thank you for your help with this, wouldn't have been the same without you.
